Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Metro Man is boastful, self-centered and a suck-up. From a very young age, Metro Man had an arrogant attitude as shown when he blows a raspberry at the infant Megamind when they both arrived on Earth and later when Lady Scott is tickling him he smacks her hand away and shakes his finger at her in a flirty way.
As a child, he showed signs of being the typical "spoiled rich kid" and never missed an opportunity to show off his powers in order to soak up attention from his teacher and classmates, during the time that Metro Man and Megamind went to school together Metro Man (then known as "Metro Boy") made sure everyone saw him as the "bad boy" after Megamind failed to make popcorn with his invention and accidentally set it on fire, possibly so that he couldn't steal his spotlight. He blatantly bullied him and even got his classmates to bully him until Megamind was expelled from the school for setting off a paint bomb.
During his time as Metro City's hero, Metro Man did about everything to get attention from posing for photos holding his then nemesis by the collar and/or holding Roxanne after his many victories against Megamind to carelessly juggle babies around before tossing them back to their parents until he grew tired of doing what everyone expected of him to be and decided to fake his own death in order to retire from being a superhero and do something hewanted to do: become a musician, not caring about what Megamind could do to the city.

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